No.9, 6/1 Station Rd, Colombo 4
011 250 5265

What is E-Pasala ?

What is E-Pasala ?

“E- pasala is a fully-featured E-Learning Platform solution which developed ensuring that all functions of educational institutes are preserved to make the parents and students feel assured that they get the best education online.”

The technological component of learning is constantly growing and the Corona Pandemic forced a lot of teachers and students into Distance Learning. More and more classes are taking place online - yet rather than simply being a substitute for classroom courses, they can be blended with a classroom-based approach. E-pasala offers a platform that is a fully functional education management platform along with “Mongoose”, our own video conferencing platform, which has been combined to offer you a unique experience in E-learning.

What do we offer ?

  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
  • Classes can be offered 24*7, 365 days. COVID or not, rain or shine, early mornings or night time is not a problem anymore.
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